Monday, 24 May 2010

Few Myths About Acne

| Monday, 24 May 2010 | 0 comments

acne, as a teenager, you've probably heard a variety of advice, from the frequent cleansing to reduce the intake of chocolate. However, these suggestions probably just a myth only. Here are some other myths that can help you deal with acne in adulthood.

Acne won't attacked Adult people This is not true. Surveys have found large numbers of adults who still breakouts at the age of 30s, 40s, and even 50s. Acne at age 36 might look different (red dots tend to form around the mouth and jaw) to age 16 (likely to be white and black spots spread all over the forehead, nose, and cheek). Despite how it looks different, both are still acne.

Eating chocolate and drinking soda trigger acne "Controversy diet on acne continues," explained Amy Derick, MD, FAAD, a dermatologist from Great Barrington, Illinois. "The idea that chocolate and caffeine cause acne has never really proved," said Derick, was quoted as saying the site . Some studies, he explained, has shown that dairy products affect the possibility of acne, caused by hormones and bacteria in milk. "But the data are not strong. And I do not recommend a woman aged 30 to reduce the intake of milk that is necessary for bone health," asserted Derick.

Stress triggers acne This myth probably has some facts in real life, but it is still difficult to measure exactly. "Several studies have found that college students have increased the amount of acne during final exams, but certainly not the cause-effect relationship," explained Derick. Not all students experienced the addition of face acne during periods of stressful. "Thus, the possible role of stress. But we have not seen any studies showing that stress can exacerbate acne."

Do not wear sunscreen because it will exacerbate acne All you need do is choose the right sunscreen. Chemicals in sunscreen, such as Helioplex, UV rays propagate through chemical reaction, so that it can generate heat due to the dots. If you are vulnerable to breakouts, use a physical sunscreen such as zinc oxide.

Acne appears due to lack of facial "Studies on adolescents showed that washing your face twice a day is more effective than just once, but do not need more than two times because it dries the skin," Derick light. Cleaning products (cleanser), he explained, just stay on the skin for five seconds.

Acne is a matter of mere beauty Acne affects how you feel about yourself. In addition, if not handled properly, acne can leave permanent scars.

You just have to wait and acne goes away by itself. Today, you can choose a variety of acne treatments available. Dermatologist can help you choose appropriate care. You can clear acne by rubbing. Scrubbing is the worst thing you can do. "Pressing and rubbing the skin will leave a scar," explained Derick


Acne is Often Stressfull or could it be stress triggers acne??


Every person must have had a problem with acne. Acne often come from anywhere, acne can also make a person becomes less confident. No wonder, if the acne in the eyes of some people, especially teenagers regarded as stressors.

The result of research published in BMC Public Health, acne is not only consistent with depression or anxiety but the mental stress suffered by teenagers will also aggravate acne conditions.

The study in 2004 involving teens Oslo (ages 18-19) as participants. The researchers invited all students who have completed high school to take part.

Ninety percent of the 3659 students who participated were invited plus 467 other students who have not completed (ages 18-19).

The teens asked to complete questionnaires about the severity of acne and anxiety and depression they experience, the food they consume the GCC and whether they smoke and drink alcohol. In addition, separately, the researchers also collected data on adolescent socioeconomic statistics from the central Norway.

It was observed, levels of mental stress is associated with the number of children they suffered acne. This stress factor, according to researchers, apart from other factors such as diet or lifestyle. Approximately 19% of children who reported symptoms of anxiety and depression, acne, compared to only 12% in children who do not experience mental distress.

In boys, those who suffer from depression and anxiety 68% greater risk of having acne than their peers who feel more cheerful. Was among the girls, they are experiencing mental distress-risk two-fold greater than their peers to have acne that does not.

According to Jon Halvorsen, chief dermatologist at the same time research from the University of Oslo in Norway, the study is the first study that found a unidirectional relationship between mood and acne.

"The worse the symptoms of mental illness, the condition of acne is also getting worse," Halvorsen explained, as quoted from reuters.

Do mental health disorders can worsen pimples?

According to researchers, stress will stimulate the growth of nerve fibers around the sebaceous glands.

This will trigger increased sebum reproduction, fat substance which, together with the damaged cells and dead skin cells will form black spots and acne on the face or body


Eating the Wrong Food can Causing Acne


One of the common causes of acne is the wrong eating habbit. Irregular Eating hours, consuming too much starch, fried foods and sugar are also the common cause of acne. acne vulgaris cancause by constipation too. If the waste matter can't thrown out of the body as fast as it should. The bloodstream will be surcharged by toxic matter.Many people still believe that there is no link between food and acne, and that's just not true. There are many studies that show a relationship between the two. Try searching for "diet and acne" in Google Scholar to see what comes up.the foods that cause acne are the ones that aggravate blood sugar and inflammation. They're not only bad for acne but for your body in general. Many of these foods are typical in the western diet:

Avoid or beware of this kind of food if you are having acne or if u dont want to have.
High Glycemic Load Foods such as:
White bread
Golden Grahams
White rolls
Puffed wheat
Corn chips
Wafer biscuits
**Rice cakes
Broad beans
Jelly beans
Rice Krispies
Potato, micro waved
Potato, instant
**Potato, baked
Rice pasta, brown

Fatty Foods

* Spreads, like margarine and butter
* Soup (packaged), like ramen noodles and soup cups
* Fast food
* Processed food
* Frozen food, like pies, pizzas, waffles
* Cookies, cakes, donuts

Dairy Product foods
such as milk, grain, cheese,

caffeine and alcohol
caffeine and alcohol trigger the produces of hormone that bad gor your own skin  even in a little amount.

Water Retention
There are some foods that cause acne by increasing your water retention. If your skin is swollen with more water than is normal, you may be pinching the pores on your skin.

Pinching the flow of sebum and dead skin cells out of the body increases the chance for plugs to develop. Guess what that means... I think you can guess... :)

...So what foods do this?

* Salts
* Spices
* Cooked meat (due to the protein)

i'm not saying that you should avoid all these foods, in the right quantity it can be quite healthy. but Eating too much will cause you a bad thing, in this case, acne.

Acne and Milk, the diet Myth and beyond
Implication of the role of diet in acne 
A low-glycemic-load diet improves symptoms in acne vulgaris patients: a randomized controlled trial


Friday, 21 May 2010

Get Rid acne tips

| Friday, 21 May 2010 | 0 comments

There are some of us are experiencing occasional acne, due to forget to clean your face, or eating certain foods. But there is also the rest of his life must be willing to look at skin irritation and breakouts. Skin on the nose and cheeks look inflamed, reddish, or there are holes acne scars. Can this skin be cured ?

Turned out to be. To get the proper treatment, you are able to directly consult with your doctor. But you also have to get used to conduct routine maintenance to eliminate the habit of treating the wrong skin. In addition, the key is patience, because the repair of chronic skin conditions are certainly takes time. Try doing the following steps:

1. Eliminate the wrong habits
Do not ever use something greasy and heavy on the hair or your face. "I once had a patient that applying vitamin E oil on their skin, then puzzled why acne begins to appear," said Pat Wexler, a dermatologist from New York.

2. Investigate your lifestyle
Stress, insomnia, wrong eating habbits, pills, fertility treatments, or taking antidepressant drugs, can shut off the hormones and cause acne.
"Pills can make a big difference if you are acne prone skin while menstruating," says Katie Rodan, also a dermatologist, who is based in Oakland, California.

3. Free up the clogged pores
Wash your face twice a day, and once again if you just finished exercising. Exfoliate with a cream containing salicylic acid, AHA, or retinoids.

4. Eliminate bacteria
Apply antibacterial products or facial cleansing product (such as benzoyl peroxide, tee tree oil, or sulfur) to the entire face, even if your skin under normal circumstances. "Acne affects every oil gland on the face," says dermatology expert from San Francisco, Kathy Fields. "Therefore you must treat the entire area of the face." Try: Clinique Acne Solutions Clearing Moisturizer.

5. Stop the inflammation
Be careful if there is irritation of the skin, as this will make the acne worse. Restore skin smoothness with treatments to soothe the skin. To eliminate the inflammation, which is usually characterized by skin redness on the nose and cheeks, you can try prescription medications such as Finacea or MetroGel. Try: Aveeno Ultra-calming Daily Moisturizer SPF 15.

6. Perform maintenance regimen for at least 8 weeks
Treatment regimen usually consists of three steps: a mild soap, benzoyl peroxide 2.5%, and a good moisturizer to moisturize dry skin caused by the use of benzoyl peroxide. At the beginning of this treatment, usually a little pimple on the skin will initially caused by the act of cleansing and exfoliation to the skin surface. Within eight weeks, this regular maintenance usually begins to show its effectiveness.

7. Do not touch the skin of the face
This is our bad habits : if the skin feels rough or pimply faces, we just want to keep touching it. "Let it go, acne usually disappears within eight days," said Wexler. "But if you touch it, you will need three to four weeks to heal." An expert in dermatology can eliminate acne in 24 hours with a cortisone injection. But if you do it yourself at home, try to reduce the swelling on his face with cortisone creams, benzoyl peroxide, ice, aspirin, or ibuprofen.

8. Use concealer
Use a concealer that contains little of the foundation; select a concealer with a yellowish color to neutralize the redness of the skin. Take a little concealer with a fluffy brush with a pointed tip, dab on the acne first, then spread to the outside. Press the concealer in the area (not scrubbing), then finish by using a light powder.

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